Friday, August 30, 2013

Start of the year activities

Every year I try to find new, creative ways to connect with kids.  There's a ton of ideas out there for elementary, but I always struggle with good secondary connectors.  I am planning to do some kind of activity each day the first couple weeks of school.  It will build trust and community with in the class.  I will also play along when possible so the kids get to learn about me and see that I am a learner in the class as well as the teacher.  If you do choose to do connectors with kids, scaffold them so that kids must take ownership of their ideas as the days go by.  Here are a few ideas to consider....

1)   Four corners The teacher chooses 4 very different objects or people and students have to decide which they are most like and go to that corner.  Once kids are in their spots, go around the room and they should say why.  (Might be good to have kids write their "corner" and "why" on a sticky note so that they don't just go where it seems popular.

2)  When I am 100...  I found this idea on Pinterest and loved it.  Students use the writing prompt "When I am 100..." to write what they think the world will be like when they reach the age of 100.  Kids could share ideas if they feel comfortable, or collect ideas and share anonymously.  As an added bonus, this activity will also give you an idea of how the students think and write.  

3)  Facebook profile  Instead of an info sheet have students build a facebook their "news" they should list 2-4 events from the summer, photos of friends and family, you get the idea. 

4)  Twitter Feed  Provide students with an index card or sticky note as they enter the room.  They should "tweet" something about themselves that makes them unique.  They could include hashtags for fun.

5)  One Word Story  This could be done a couple ways.  One way is to have a student shout out a favorite children's story (Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, etc.)  The first story said is what you go with.  All students face each other in a circle and each student says one word to make the story go around the circle.  The story ends up very silly, bringing out some humor in class.  Another option would be to have students make up a new story about summer vacation.  The first person starts with their word and the group goes around.

6)  Teacher True/False I have a handout with a list of true and false things about me, the teacher.  Students answer the questions (individually or pairs) and the student(s) with most correct earn candy.  I try to include bizarre/unusual things about me that they would find interesting or funny.

There are many more ways to connect with kids out there.  Get them out of their seats, meet someone new, and celebrate who they are as individuals.  Connects early in the year pay off so much later in the year because you get to know your kids so well!

Have a great first week of school!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Implementing the Common Core

The Common Core is all the buzz.  How will your lessons change to incorporate the new standards?  Here is a Venn diagram illustrating connections between Math, Science, and ELA.  Perhaps this will be a starting place as we strive to deliver rich, meaningful content in new ways.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Let the journey begin...

After much thought, here it is --- a blog for my fellow friends and colleagues.  I have given much thought to keeping a blog.  I love to research educational ideas.  It's kind of like a hobby of mine.  Since joining Twitter (for educational purposes only, thanks to Dan Hickey), I have found so many neat ideas worth sharing.  I frequently take screen shots and text them to a friend, or  email my department a link/idea.  I am approaching my tenth year as a teacher and I can truly say that it has been a learning journey. As a teacher my purpose is to teach the students and ensure they learn; little did I know how much I would learn and through the process.  My hope is that this blog serves as a better way to share and keep the neat ideas I find ---- and to share my journey with you. I plan to post often and anticipate you learning something new too.