Friday, August 2, 2013

Let the journey begin...

After much thought, here it is --- a blog for my fellow friends and colleagues.  I have given much thought to keeping a blog.  I love to research educational ideas.  It's kind of like a hobby of mine.  Since joining Twitter (for educational purposes only, thanks to Dan Hickey), I have found so many neat ideas worth sharing.  I frequently take screen shots and text them to a friend, or  email my department a link/idea.  I am approaching my tenth year as a teacher and I can truly say that it has been a learning journey. As a teacher my purpose is to teach the students and ensure they learn; little did I know how much I would learn and through the process.  My hope is that this blog serves as a better way to share and keep the neat ideas I find ---- and to share my journey with you. I plan to post often and anticipate you learning something new too.

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